STN (super-twisted nematic) positive LCD display (dark characters on a light background)

STN (super-twisted nematic) positive LCD display (dark characters on a light background)

STN (super-twisted nematic) positive LCD display (dark characters on a light background)

STN (super-twisted nematic) positive LCD display (dark characters on a light background)

STN (super-twisted nematic) negative LCD display (light characters on a dark background)

STN (super-twisted nematic) negative LCD display (light characters on a dark background)

GEI LCD’s line of STN (super-twisted nematic) modules can serve a multitude of purposes for both consumer and industrial applications. An STN is often a good compromise as it offers a better and more complex display than a TN but are less expensive to produce and require less power than a TFT.

GEI LCD offers a full range of solutions for any STN need. Custom designs are welcome and are very cost-effective. For more information or a quote, please visit our Contact page.